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Writing Effective Use Cases epub

Writing Effective Use Cases. Alistair Cockburn

Writing Effective Use Cases

ISBN: 0201702258,9780201702255 | 249 pages | 7 Mb

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Writing Effective Use Cases Alistair Cockburn
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional

Were these folks hoodwinked by use case zealots with an agile bent? In Writing Effective Use Cases, Alistair Cockburn illustrates a "hub-and-spoke" model of requirements. I urge you to find an approach that works even better for you. He early on describes a couple of ways to write use cases. Essentially, they list the actors and tell a short story about a usage scenario. I began the journey of use cases through Alistair Cockburn book today and one thing hit me right away. Very systematic and logical approach, clear and easy to understand guidelines for writing, quite good examples. These are what Cockburn (“Writing Effective Use Cases”) describes as “informal” use cases. I have just finished reading 'Writing Effective Use Cases' by Alistair Cockburn. The book describes the methodology of putting the software requirements in written through the use cases. It is a truly great book and I would strongly recommend anyone about to embark on a requirements project to read it.

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